God of Highschool is a Korean manwa and anime created by Park Yong-Je that mixes high school stories with battles against gods from Asian folklore. In fact, the protagonist is a reincarnation of the monkey king Sun Wukong. This awesome game adapts his adventures and turns them into a thrilling action game for Android.
Your mission here is to complete each level by destroying all the enemies you find inside the 2D settings. The best part is that you get to control your character as if you were playing a beat 'em up game. Another really cool feature is that you can perform special movements and use two interchangeable characters just like you would in a 1vs1 game.
The game follows the JRPG Freemium for Android standards so it offers you a huge range of options that go far beyond the main story mode where you have to overcome challenges sequentially. You can also take part in special missions and temporary daily events. But that’s not all, you also get to unlock other characters, improve your battle skills and join groups, among other activities.
God of Highschool 2017 is a super fun action game that has outstanding graphics, includes an infinite number of cinematic scenes and conversations among characters that’ll fully immerse you in this universe.